Challenge and Fusion

Be endowed with the knowledge

Virtual MIC

Virtual MIC

This virtual site provides an overview of the MINASE Innovation Center and a 360° view of Sekisui Chemical's technology exhibits.

Open innovation

Open innovation

Here is our model program for co-creation activities with our customers.

Technology Introduction

Technology Introduction

This section introduces Sekisui Chemical Group's six core technologies and 28 technology platforms to provide specific customer solutions, based on the technologies created in Minase.

MIC Digest

【MIC Event Report】Effectuation Special Lecture

The “Five Principles” practiced by good entrepreneurs


Held internal idea generation workshop

Input and idea generation for future society


NEXT Kansai Innovation Meeting 2023

A startup pitch event was held


Director's Message

Lets create innovation together.


This is where new ideas are born.
We will introduce the members who support the making of Sekisui Chemical’s technology at Minase Research & Development Institute.


Tsukasa Kunisawa

Joined in 2019 R&D

Yuuki Okada

Joined in 2019 R&D

Masami Shindo

Joined in 2015 Researcher


Ryoichi Watanabe

Joined in 2018 Business Planning

Takayuki Nakanishi

Joined in 2018 Business Planning


Toshio Enami

Joined in 2001 Business Planning

Keisuke Aoki

Joined in 2014 Business Planning

Ayako Hattori

Joined in 2012 Business Planning